At some point in the career of an IT director / manager three questions will arise that need serious answers, they are:

- How can I dispose of our offices old computers and monitors ?

- Where do we dispose of our old computers and IT hardware ?

- Who can dispose of our unwanted computers and servers securely ?

The first question of “how to dispose of old computers” has a simple answer; you need to dispose of your used, broken or unwanted PC’s, Servers, Laptops, Monitors and other such Computer Equipment by having it recycled.<

It is now illegal to dump or throwaway computer equipment with the regular trash because of the harmful materials held inside the computer's components. Computing equipment has now been classified as hazardous solid waste.

You Need a recycler to dispose of your old PC’s moves us forward to the next question of “where do we dispose of computers”, this question is also easy to answer, there are many State-run recycling events and recycling centers in your area. You’ll find that at these recycling events and centers you have to transport the computers yourself and pay to have your computers disposed of and you are still left with the problem of data security.

Many businesses and organizations prefer to remove the headache of sourcing and shipping their computers to a recycler or recycling event only to have stood in line for hours and then finding out that they have no assurance that the computers will be disposed of securely. Which leads to the last question; “who can dispose of our computers securely”, which has the simplest of all the answers; “WE CAN!”

Our computer disposal service ensures that your computers are disposed of by recycling the alloys, plastics and glass which means you are free from State prosecution and compliant with national E-Waste laws.We have a fleet of recycling trucks and staff who are ready to collect any old PC’s, Servers, Laptops, Computers, Monitors,Office Printers and Photocopiers from your location. Finally we have some of the most advanced computer disposal hardware in the country that has been specially designed to ensure your computers are disposed of securely, wiping and totally destroying hard drives and storage devices.

>You contact us detailing the computer waste you have for disposal;
>We provide you with a quotation for the collection and recycling of your redundant equipment;
>We arrange to collect the equipment at a mutually convenient time, using our own secure transportation;
>Upon collection we provide you with the all waste paperwork;
>At our licensed recycling facility we process the equipment ensuring that the best available treatment recovery and recycling techniques are applied;
>Once the recycling is complete we issue an asset report and data destruction certificate where necessary

Please complete the contact form if you are an entity in need of electronics and computer recycling.